Don't worry - your tears add character to your application.

So I'm supposed to be studying for my World Lit test right now.


So I know that around this time last year I was peaking with multiple anxiety and panic attacks due to applications. So being slightly self-masochistic as all writers are I went back into my college app essays and realized that I have no idea why any of the universities I applied to accepted me.

My gawd guys, they are awful.

I'm writing an article about it now and I've started actually re-writing my essays so I can show you guys just how awful they were in comparison to now.

Anyways, I don't know how many of you are going through application season right now, but I know that it's stressful but you'll get through it and if any of you need to just talk to a random stranger about it then I'm totes available.

I started saying things like totes and bee t dubs and omg totes presh ironically, but now I can't stop. It's legitimately integrated itself into my vocabulary. What am I going to do.

I should have been Nicki Minaj for life halloween.

Instead I was Thing 2


No regrets.
November 1st, 2012 at 01:45am