Mindless Self Indulgence a.k.a best day of my life ok

So... I saw Mindless Self Indulgence last week and they were absolutely fantastic -go see them- and I met them.

Now, to all of those crazy obsessed MCR fangirls, what is your problem with Lindsey because she is seriously the nicest person I have ever met in my life.

On with the story: It was freezing outside and I was wrapped in my blanket and my friend had went to the toilet (this is the funny part) and this middle aged -smartly dressed- man stopped and threw money at me. THREW MONEY AT ME. He then told me to get a breakfast, did I seriously look homeless?

I then spent the majority of the day behind the venue, at the buses. Met Kitty before she headed out to do some shopping.
Lindsey came out and asked if we were cold and I replied, I could actually produce words, SHOCKER. Along with that, MSI gave us tea that was pretty gross because earl grey is disgusting but it's MSI's tea so whatever.

Then we listened in to sound check and Jimmy and Steve came out and I got my picture with Jimmy, he also told me not to touch cats or i'll get cat aids. Woo.

I gave up after that because I was bursting for the toilet so I left and went to Starbucks, low and behold, I walk into Kitty, exchange awkward 'hello's and rush to the toilet and who do I literally run into? Lindsey Way. She's super sweet and I may or may not have cried... And she liked my nails and hugged me.

Next was the show and the support acts were great! (The Dead Betas & Taking Hayley)

MSI were indescribably amazing! Lindsey crowd surfed -my favourite part- and came out of the crowd and was about to get back onstage before she turned and walked back towards me with her hands out...

She cupped my face in her hands, kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear. Once again, I cried because my idol is amazing.

(Not much else to say on the actual gig other than check out my videos on youtube)

Jimmy came down to sign at barrier as usual and I nearly puked but I got out and got a glass of water.

The rest of the band were signing at merch -it was super crazy- I went to Steve and he was so nice and told us about his daughter and I got a picture! Then I went to Lindsey to get her to sign something for me and she wrote down what she has told me during the gig and made me promise not to put it on tumblr because it was our secret!

I nearly got ran over a bunch of other times while outside chatting to them all but Lindsey and Kitty made sure I didn't.

Did I mention that I hugged my idol numerous times that night and she kissed me numerous times? Yes, I have indeed died and gone to heaven.

Thanks for reading!

Youtube video #1

Youtube video #2
November 1st, 2012 at 06:44pm