
Hi guys,

So this is going to be really long and feel free not to read it but I feel like I owe you all an explanation. You've stuck with me through so much and I love you all too much to just pretend like I haven't taken a ridiculous amount of time to update.

I started culinary school in September in California and my life is literally so busy I barely have any time to write at all. I only have school four days a week and I'm always done by 1:30 but I have at least 2-3 hours of homework every night and by the weekend I'm generally so exhausted I just sleep the whole time.

I'm trying to get better at balancing out my schedule and finding time to sit down and write, especially because I have notebooks full of random snippets of all of these stories that I scribble down between classes (sometimes even during classes if they're really important or I'm really bored). I just have trouble managing to work them into the stories because of how hard it is to get time in to write at my computer.

So please, please forgive me as I work through this transition and figure out a way to squeeze in writing time. And thank you so much for all of your love and continued support. It means so much to me that there are people out there who actually like my stories and I feel so bad for keeping you on the edge all the time waiting for updates that take so long to post. I promise I'll start updating as often as I can.

I'm on break right now so I'll try and get in a shit ton of pre-writing. My next break is Thanksgiving but I'm visiting my sister in NYC so I'm not sure how much writing I'll be able to get done there. I will be home again for Christmas and I'll definitely take advantage of that time to pre-write and update more. Just bare with me please.

I love you all more than the moon loves the stars<3

P.S. To all of my Manage Me readers, updates might be a bit slower purely because I'm having a bit of writer's block with Jack and there are so many things I want to happen but can't figure out how to fit in with the way that the story line is going. Chances are they'll end up being flashbacks in the sequel (get hyped because yes there is a sequel and I've actually started writing parts of it already(:). Just stick with me and I'll figure it out somehow.
November 1st, 2012 at 07:16pm