I am so confused! (I really need advice again) (Continuation of the 'I am so screwed' blog series)

Okay, so on the 'I am so screwed' blog today, I have a story. If you've read my last two blogs in this 'series' then you have a pretty good view of what's going on (if you haven't, you probably should, but I think you'll get the gist from this just fine if you don't), but there are changes.

Change number one: Miriam is not into Bryce. At all.
Change number two: Bryce is not into Miriam; he may or may not have been at one point (I had taken that at Miriam's word, not so sure anymore), but he definitely isn't now, and probably hasn't been for as long as I've known him (including before we actually started talking).

Now onto my Halloween story (and change number three):

I went to his house on Halloween cause he was having a barbeque; I drank a bit (I would like to add that I hadn't planned on drinking, but decided to because I was kinda (I admit) obsessing over the fact that I didn't think Bryce was into me). When everybody else left I decided to just ask him outright if he was into me and he said no; I was like, "Alright, I kinda figured," and since I couldn't drive home yet we watched a movie (Trick 'r' Treat, awesome movie btw) and we kinda cuddled (I was sitting next to him, his legs were over my lap, nothing so-called 'romantic' just more of a close together kind of cuddling I guess). After that I was good to drive home.

When I was on my way out the door, he said something along the lines of, "You should go home before I start making bad decisions," and I was like, "What do you mean?" He didn't say anything, so I said, "I'm not leaving until you're straightforward with me," and then he kissed me. We kinda made out a bit, then he was like, "You really should go," (it wasn't like a 'Get the hell out of my house' more like a 'I really need to stop' kind of thing) so I went home, end of story.

So, basically he said he wasn't into me, but then totally acted like he was. He's not the kind of guy to mess around, so I'm not really sure what the hell is going on and I am, therefore, confused.

I've decided to hold off on seeing him for a few more days (we've still texted a bit, but obviously not about what happened), but I would really like some input on this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I would like to thank tnd437 for giving me advice on my last blog; I knew I needed to back off, but actually hearing it made it really hit me, so thank you for that. :)
November 3rd, 2012 at 04:04am