Listen Up Guys! Big Break!

Okay so I am very aware that not many of my readers or friends on here read my blogs, but I need to tell you guys something. It would be great if you, my readers or friends, that are reading this could inform the others. I don't want people to think I've stopped writing or whatever.

Anywhoser, I will be taking a well deserved break from Mibba. I have suddenly been hit with a lot of stress, anxiety, and personal things that I just have to take care of first. I am also just a lot busier for my taste. It's all just catching up with me, and I'm freaking out. So please don't be mad or upset or anything. I will be on working on my candy bowl treats and to catch up with my messages and alerts. So I will be still be here to talk or whatever you need(: I will also be trying to work on my stories that I've been writing. Hopefully, when I come back, I will have a lot of update for you guys. Thank you, and hopefully I will be back real so.

November 3rd, 2012 at 03:32pm