To Know You is to Hate You, So Loving You Must Feel Like Suicide.

I'd actually laugh if I got comments on this.

All I really needed was just a post to become completely aware of what the background/layout of my blog would actually look like. I'm quite pleased.

I used to be a blogger, but then I started to realize how unbelievably boring I truly was followed by how obnoxious most bloggers actually are.
Seriously, what the fuck is up with ^_^ kind of face? It looks stupid. Along with -_- and o.O.

Anyone remember Xanga?
I was fuckin' pro at those layouts.


I'm s-i-c-k of my meaningless life, where c-h-a-n-c-e-s pass me by. It's r-e-a-l-i-t-y.

kudos if you know the song...
November 3rd, 2012 at 11:30pm