I See Stars & Falling In Reverse are fighting... My thoughts:

So I See Stars & Falling In Reverse are having problems with each other.
Great, two of my favorite bands hate each other now.
Well, at least I got to see them in Des Moines, after four fucking times of not being allowed or able to go.
I don't want to know anything more about their fighting.

To you guys:
Way to make your fans upset and confused guys, way to frickin' go.
I don't even know who to believe because words really mean nothing, but still.
I get it, you guys are pissed, but stop making your die-hard fans like myself want to scream and cry and throw shit, when we're not even actually apart of your fight.
How about you grown men stop fighting online and upsetting your fans even more?
I hate hearing bands hating each other, because then things aren't alright.
Especially since I just saw you guys on October 21st, 2012, in Des Moines, Iowa, 2 fucking hours away from Cedar Rapids, Iowa where I live.
Do you know how fucking hard it was to get my parents' permission to go to the concert?
My dad didn't want some stranger driving me and my friend down there, and it had to be an adult.
So the only adult who could go was my mom, and I had to beg her to deal with music she doesn't listen to and hardcore fans.
October 21st, 2012 was the best night of my fucking fifteen year old life.
All because of you eleven guys.
Feel good about that?
Now remember that you're fighting, which upsets me.
Feel bad now?
You should.
So fix it, or don't post crap online for others to read.
Much appreciated.
I still love the eleven of you just as much as I did before, during, and after the concert.
I actually started crying of happiness when you all were performing.
I even started screaming and growling right on key with you, and I can't, for the life of me, scream or growl.
November 4th, 2012 at 02:40am