To All My Readers

Hello there,

I would like to thank you for stumbling upon my blog and checking it out.

This one in particular is about stories, all my stories with a few questions for you all, my lovely readers and your preferences.

topic 1: when responding to comments, would you prefer me to reply as a message to you, or in my Author Note?

topic 2: when posting information about different stories, would you prefer me to post the information as a blog or rather in an Author Note?

On related information... from my last little poll, it seems that the two that you have taken interest in is Coerced Adoration and Faerie Lies, so I’ll provide a little description of each and let me know which you like. If you already voted, you can still vote in the comments again.

Coerced Adoradtion: Sivirian is a vampire who likes to combine(have sex and drink blood) from humans, something that is forbidden by their law. When the vampire council finds out, they want to lock him in solitary for a century. His friend Beckette finds an alternative solution, sending Sivirian to a camp with plenty of the creatures he hates: nekos.

Faerie Lies: Panlin always thought he was a human, growing up with his adopted family in America though one day, he feels this undeniable tug to travel, to go to Europe to chase this feeling inside of him. Unbeknownst to him, he is one of the fey, and he stepped into a new world, with two fey kings chasing after him.

xoxo sari
November 4th, 2012 at 05:07pm