Heart Broken

I am completely 100% heart broken. The 10 and 1/2 happiest months of my life ended 3 weeks ago, as of yesterday. And I am so depressed. And I am so confused. He tells me he loves me and flirts with me. And as much as I enjoy it, it hurts so much. He told me that we are not broken up but taking a break. I asked him if we are going to try to see other people or if we're just taking a breather. He said the second one. But yet.... I don't know. I was just texting him. I asked him if he wanted to start all over. I ment.... I don't know what I ment exactly. Maybe thats the problem. All I know is that I love him so much and want to be with him again. But so he replied "as friends" Me: is that a statement or a question? Him: question. Me: i dont have an answer. Do you? Do you think we should? Him:yea Me: ok. so foreget that it ever happened. (the it being me and him falling in love and being togetherand just everything) Him: ok.
So I replied "Why does this make me evan more sad than I already was?... As much as i know this is probably for the best... it still hurts...." And his response to that was "yyy" So i told him why. "Because I still love you....I don't want to give up on us ... but maybe its time I should..... as hard as that will be.... You know I already tryed?.... Well half heartedly.. because i knew it wouldnt happen. I tryed to picture myself with other people. but i couldnt.There was always something missing.There always will be I guess. But thats love and life.. I guess. I don't know.All I do know is that I love you. That I would doanything for you. That i don't want to give up fighting for you. That I dont want to give up on us...." And all he said was "ooo". His typical reasponse. I don't know what happened between him and I. We were the perfect couple. We never fought. We were always happy. We were in love. But then we started high school. And on the first day of school is when all the trouble started. We don't see each other. Only during passing when I have first lunch. And before school starts when were all standing in the pit. I used to see him after school but volleyball ended so I don't stay after everyday anymore. There were so many rumors. And the rumors just got to us. We both have major insecurities and I think that may have been what ruined us.
I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so in love with him and I don't want to give up on us. But I don't know how to fix us. I don't evan know if we can. :""""(
November 4th, 2012 at 07:14pm