Come All Ye Slash Writers, Joyful And Triumphant

Thanksgiving slash, you ask?
Yeah, because nothing's cuter/sexier than being so full you can't move.
Well I suppose you could go with some sort of "burn calories" incentive thing...Sorry my train of thought is probably way confusing.

And I'm in a Christmas mood.
So...Similarly to the Mibbaween Candy Bowl thing, first five people who comment and say they want comments on a Christmas slash one shot (or two shot, or three shot. Be nice to my attention span) get a nice comment from me.
Original slash, Thunderfrost, Stony, Jalex, and 1D slash is appreciated.
Also Joick!

Yeah kind of pointless because if you're writing Christmas slash one shots I'll probably comment anyway, but this blog is just to spread word. Pretty please? I give constructive criticism with compliments (unless your Maxx Danziger, I'm sorry, but its true).

Hehh. Updating le blog. Gerd. I just searched Christmas Slash One Shot. Its all...Mushy. Gerd. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO ISN'T A HOPELESS ROMANTIC? all make it so romantical *starts coughing* its just..bluh.
Sorry if I offended any romantics. Its just..not my thing.

Alrighty. I think thats enough words...
Live long and find slash,
November 5th, 2012 at 01:29am