Book Challenge - Day Four

Day Four – My Favourite Classic

My favourite classic... would have to be Bram Stoker’s Dracula, because – even though I enjoyed reading others like Jane Austen’s books and The Phantom of the Opera – it didn’t feel like an old book, and it kept me guessing. It also gets brownie points because it is one of the few classic books that I stayed up overnight to read, which is a rare occurrence. Another thing I found interesting with this book, is that the main vampire is actually different to the current stereotype of this supernatural creature. I mean, sure, he drinks blood, lives in a castle, and sleeps during the day – but who hears about vampires being able to control people’s minds without being there (i.e. the madman in the asylum) and having to sleep in the dirt of his own graveyard? Even being able to control animals like wolves isn’t commonly described in relation to vampires anymore, in my experience of current vampire mythology – which may not be as inclusive as I would like, I will admit, to talk on the subject. Still, it all adds up to reasons, for me, that Dracula is my favourite classic novel.
November 5th, 2012 at 04:31am