Extreme Voter Fatigue

Just found out one of my good friends is a hardcore republican. We had one of the most intense debates over lunch I've ever had in my life, even as a college student.

I don't know how I feel. I'm kind of over this election, but my fingers are still crossed that Romney tanks because I have this horrible feeling he's just going to drive the middle class into a hole just like the last 30 years of republican reign.

Super angry I forgot to register to vote. Ugh. You can bet I'll be fighting between nanowrimo and the election results tonight.

I just would hate to see Romney's tidal wave of hate and oppression drown our country for the next term.

But I guess on the upside, Romney's possible win will inspire a great four years of punk rock and another Green Day album.

"Wake Me Up When Mitt Romney Ends," anyone?
November 6th, 2012 at 07:38pm