Hey guys. Lol It's been so long since I have been on here. I've been busy with school and all. I'm currently in the works of writing a smutty smut for my friend, which will feature Jack Bassam Barakat form All Time Low.
After Long Live Us wrapped up, I've been out doing other things not really worrying about writing. Now that school is back in I have struck genuis and decided to write again. I hope to post this story really really soon.
Ugh. trying to make this 100 words...well i'll tell you about my summer I guess.
I meet some really aazing peole on the Hustler club website. We call ourselves the Bovens and I have met 2 out of like 12. I know it's crazy. Oh well I can dream can't I.
Hopefully this is 100 words now... YES IT WAS. THIS MAKES ME HAPPY. Okay huns as always....STAY AMAZING!!!
As Always Lots Of Love,
Nicole xoxo
November 6th, 2012 at 08:14pm