Words Hurt the Most

I thought the one closest to you are the ones who would not hurt you, but I was wrong. No matter how hard I try to not let their words get to me it still hurts me. Every hurtful word that comes out of their mouth cuts straight through my heart. They never see the pain they cause me at the harsh words they say.

The pain I suffer makes me want to cause myself pain because it hurts so much. I put up a hard exterior to hide the hurt, but inside the pain is eating me away. I have always tried to isolate myself because it is so much easier so no one can hurt me.

It feels like I have a hole in my heart resulting from the cruel words said to me or about me over the years. I know I am a little hard to handle, but my family is supposed to accept me and help me yet they only make it worse. I don't care if you give me everything and anything I want because no object is going to heal my open wounds.
November 6th, 2012 at 09:54pm