I wish I was 18 so I could vote.

I wish I was 18 so I could vote. I hate being 16 for that simple reason. I pay attention to politics, and I honestly would vote for the Obama/Biden campaign. I'm sorry, but there's something about Romney that rubs me the wrong way. He's the sand in the bottom of my bathing suit. (LOL.) He's changed some of his views since the Republican Primary, and honestly, that's probably only to gain the votes. I told my parents that it seems like he flip flops more than the ones I wear. (Again, LOL.)
Why am I pro-Obama?
-He signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. I am a teenage girl, and when I get older I want to be paid the same as a man for the same work. Don't half-ass my pay because of my gender.
-He passed Obamacare. Am I in favor of the tax that will take place in 2014 if it's not repealed? No. However, everyone asks for healthcare reform. Obama is trying for healthcare reform. It's a start. The Constitution wasn't our first. The Articles of Confederation came beforehand. Think of Obamacare/healthcare reform like the journey to the Constitution.
-He saved the auto industry. Which, in turn, saved jobs (albeit maybe not all).
-He supports equal marriage rights. Yeah, he changed from 2008, but still. I am straight, but I am for marriage equality. What's so wrong with two men or women getting married? Is it affecting your life? No.
-Don't Ask, Don't Tell got repealed. Really? Is it a big deal if men or women who are gay happen to serve in our military? Why is this a big deal? THEY ARE SERVING OUR DAMN COUNTRY. You have people, straight and gay, willing to put their lives on the line for you, for this country. Yet it's a big deal what their sexuality is?
-He's pro-choice. It's fine if you're pro-life. It's fine if you're pro-choice. I, personally, will never have an abortion (unless medically necessary). But I am not in the place to tell you what you can/can't or should/shouldn't do with your body. It is not my right to say, "You can't have an abortion." I will never have one, but I believe I should have the right to that choice.
-Obama has been middle class. I am middle class. I want to go to college and medical school and become a surgeon. That's going to take a load of money. My mom makes good money, but we're still middle class. I've never had to worry about where a meal's coming from. I may not get things I want right when I want them, but eventually, when the money's available, I do. My family is middle class, but some of my family isn't. Some of my family members are unemployed. My cousin's husband lost his job, and she has two kids of her own and two step-kids. My cousin has a good job, but they don't have any extra money and are living month to month. I think politicians forget where they came from.
-He ended the war in Iraq and is working to end the war in Afghanistan. I understand the reasons say we were and are there, but I don't believe we needed to be. End of discussion.
-Romney just irks the fuck out of me. I'm sorry, but he always seems like he's smirking to me. The way he looks and the way he talks. I can't. He just irks me. I can't deal with him. He says what the end results of his *possible* presidency would be, but he doesn't explain how he'll get there. During the debates, he wouldn't really answer the question.
-Congress has to work together and with the president. It seems like to me that Congress doesn't seem to be working together. It seems to me that people shoot bills/laws down for the simple fact that they came from the opposite party. Really? Work for the people, damn it. Stop being so fucking greedy and work for the people. A democracy is a government for the people. YOU'RE ELECTED SO YOU CAN WORK FOR THE PEOPLE. DO THAT SHIT.
-THE FUCKING 47% COMMENT. He can say all he'd like that the comment was taken out of context, but it was recorded. FUCKING RECORDED. "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what," Romney says in the footage. "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing." He added that it's not his job to worry about those people. "I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives," he added. "What I have to do is convince the 5% to 10% in the center that are independents, that are thoughtful." That wasn't taken out of context. That was on tape. They have footage of that comment. Who wants a president who says something like that?

It also pisses me off that people vote for Romney because Obama pisses them off. Don't vote out of spite. If you're going to vote out of spite, don't vote at all, or vote for a third party candidate. Don't just vote for Romney out of spite. You might just screw yourself in the end when voting out of spite.

On top of that, today my family and I went to Cracker Barrel. Our waitress heard us talking about politics and said, "I'm a woman, I'm poor, and my husband's an immigrant. Romney would not like my family."
November 6th, 2012 at 10:31pm