I'm screwed...big time.

As of now Romney has 159 electoral votes and Obama has 147.

Well that sucks.

I honestly thought people would give Obama another chance. I mean, compared to Romney, Obama's like a freaking angel.

An open minded one at that. In my opinion, many people are voting for Romney cause Obama didn't live up to their expectations.

At least that's what my AP History teacher said. He, apparently voted for Obama in 2008 and Obama didn't make a difference in his life so he doesn't want to waste his vote this time.

I don't know, I mean, 4 years is NOT enough to change peoples views and opinions. I mean, Obama still had to go through Congress who is mostly Republican. Or, I'm guessing it is. I can just tell that most of them are Republican by all the laws that are not signed.

Aaaand, most of us have been in school for more than 4 years and still don't know what the hell electoral votes are what they do. I learned that shit in 5th grade. Obviously without the giant, longer than I can breathe words.

But that's just my opinion.

I also have a confession to make.

You guys know all those suicide hotlines right? And all the "you're always gonna be worth it" websites?

Yeah so I got the number for the hotline and checked the website out. It honestly didn't help me.

I've watched all the videos and read all the stories but it doesn't make a difference to me. It still makes me want to...leave.

I have no idea why.

And, when I read all these stories about suicide they all sound so...emotionless. They all have the same things like "I'm never gonna be good enough" or "I feel like dying."

Yes, those are all the shit that you feel during that period but I don't know, do you mind putting something else that you haven't copied from a book or a movie?

I honestly won't write a story with a real life situation unless I've gone through that situation. I just feel as if it's an insult to someone who went through that pain and I've gotten all the feelings and emotions wrong.

I mean, I feel terrible when all people talk about in rape stories is how "it hurt so much" or "how my throat went dry from screaming so much."

Those are things that happen but there is so much more than all of that.

Maybe I should shut up now before I piss someone off.

So anyways, I'm gonna go to sleep and then wait until like...12 am for all the "HE WON! HOLY SHIT HE WON!" texts.

Night guys.
November 7th, 2012 at 04:35am