
Yesterday, November 6th, I had surgery on my ankle.
The same ankle that 7 months ago, my PE teacher injured.
Turns out I had a torn tendon, overstretched ligaments, and blood & cartilage floating around.
Not only that, I had surgery in the same hospital my best friend died in.
They poked me 4 times to find an IV, 'cause my veins kept collapsing.
My foot is now just waking up from the medicine they put in it, to kill the nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It's 5 am.
They have me on hydro, nausea pills, and low dosage pain killers so I don't get blood clots.
I already fell on my bad foot, about 4 hours after surgery.
So, as a favor, can you guys comment on this for stories to read? Whenever I'm awake, I'm usually reading things on here or working on my own story.
I'm out from school for 1-2 weeks, and I can't walk for 6-8 weeks.
I'm waiting for my friends to come visit me.
Today, my brothers girlfriend is getting off work early so she can come see me.

So, to anyone who has anything that they want me to read, comment. Or, if you just wanna talk to me and keep my mind off things, comment.
Thank you. (: It's all much appreciated and I'll keep you guys updated.
November 7th, 2012 at 12:17pm