I love him.

He is nice and sweet, but still someone you can joke around with, his sense of humor is great, and he genuinely cares about everyone which balances out how careless and rude I am...I love how, no matter how down you feel, or how horrible you feel about yourself, he can always make you feel better, even with just a smile, he can brighten up your day. He can make you feel loved. And speaking of his smile, it is wonderful! Perfect white teeth, surrounded by soft plump lips. His smile is contagious, and it always reaches up to his eyes. He is like an open book, you can tell just how he's feeling just by looking at his eyes. His amazing, mesmerizing, shiny green eyes with specks of yellow and brown in them. Usually if he was happy, they would brighten and you can see the happiness flash across his eyes but when he smiles and his eyes are a dull green and don't have the familiar shine to them you know something is wrong...and his hair...it's amazing, he keeps it short like a buzz cut but when it gets longer it's thick and soft I have to keep myself from running my fingers through it. And his body, he is working out and you can see the small muscles slowly forming on his arms and stomach, I've seen him shirtless at least 3 times and I have a hard time keeping my eyes off him. He has a line of freckles leading down from his collar bone to his waist, it's cute like the freckles on his cheeks and arms. His hands though, are what I love next to his eyes, they are strong and firm but yet they are soft and comforting like his lips. When his hand gets intertwined with mine, they fit perfectly, like we were meant to be. When his thumb rubs along the side of my hand it's like an electric shock that runs up my arm throughout my body, just by this simple touch. I look into his eyes and I can see so many emotions flash across them but one stands out among the others.
And that alone makes me feel safe and content. It's truly amazing how he's dealt with me for so long, he knows I've doubted my feelings for him more than once, I was even questioning my sexuality once, he knows about my past suicidal problems and how I still struggle with them, he knows I'm insecure, he knows I get jealous, he knows every single one of my flaws and yet he's still here, he still cares, he still loves me, and that's all I could ask for. He's amazing, and even though he's not perfect, it's his own flaws that make him, Him. and I wouldn't have it any other way, I love everything about him. I love him.
November 7th, 2012 at 09:43pm