First time!

First time blogging, but tonight I was really in the mood to write and decided that I may as well start a blog as well! Go big or go home... right?

Anyhow, 3 stories, 4 updates and I'm all all of ideas at the moment. Trying to think of different directions to take all 3 stories in and its harder than I thought. I have so many ideas and if I let myself, I could probably have 10 different stories happening at the same time. Each idea is so different from the other.

I'm now trying to avoid reading other fan fiction except for the 2 stories that I subscribe to and one of those is finished :( but I find when I read other fiction, I'm afraid that when I write an update something is going to stand out and I'll use someone else's idea or quote.

Listening to Carrie Underwood's Blown Away album isn't helping because every song is giving me a story idea! Must stay on track!!

Well that's all, my fingers are all typed out. If anyone reads this, thanks for taking the time to read my rambles. To my readers... thanks!

Lindsay xo
November 8th, 2012 at 05:03am