Work Sucks

I just got home from work and all I can say is retail fucking sucks. If I had to do this for the rest of my life I would seriously consider shooting myself. I'm sick of not being treated like a human being by other people just because I get paid to help them. I only make $7.58 to put up with bullshit. It's not worth it but I have to work to pay my bills and attempt to save money for school. I don't get bitched at by managers or co-workers. I know I'm helpful and polite and I keep my cool even when others would lose theirs. But yet I still get treated like trash on a daily basis and yelled at by customers over things that aren't even my fault. It's not every customer but it happens enough that my days are almost always ruined. A customer actually made me cry today because she threw the clothes at me and started yelling that she didn't want them and a few other things because the price came up differently than she thought it would and even though I have no control over it she took it out on me. I'm miserable at my work and it follows me home sometimes too. Can anyone else relate even a little bit?
November 8th, 2012 at 05:36am