Don't put a security system on my house.

It will get destroyed. End of story.

My mom is actually considering finalizing her and my dad's divorce to marry her shithead of a boyfriend. Like her and my dad are split up right now but not legitimately divorced. She wants to marry this guy though and he's HORRIBLE. I fucking hate them both honestly. And when she asked me if she could marry him I said no absolutely not and she said too fucking bad. WHY would you ask me just to say you're going to anyway? That's messed up.

That security system is gone though. Some water and a bat is all you fucking need. I hated that thing I'm so glad they're not replacing it. It was a waste of money in more ways than one.

I'm in such a bad mood lately like I can't even function like this.
November 9th, 2012 at 02:49am