Going Insane | Gifs Galore!

Good morning guys! How are you?

So, if you read my last blog, I had surgery on Tuesday. They fixed a whole bunch of stuff. Anyways, I'm doing much better and your guy's blogs and stories are making me smile(when I'm awake.) So, thank you.

I've been so lazy this whole week. I'm on hydro's and nausea pills that make me so sleepy. Haha. So this has been me this whole week except when my parents wake me up to take more pills;


I've been on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Mibba to do everything and anything when I'm awake.

So, I think I'ma sum up my week in gifs. Yeah?

This is how I feel after I take my pain pills;



I love little animal gifs. c: Don't judge. Haha.

When my parents try to give me more pills at 3 in the morning;


When I realize I have to go to the bathroom but I can't 'cause I'm on crutches;


Well, I'm done. I think I'ma go eat, sleep, and hobble on one foot. (Haha. Get it? Since I only have one usable foot.) :p

I love you & so does the Narwhal.

Send us stuff!

November 10th, 2012 at 05:55pm