Tell All Your Friends Tour 2012

So, as a lovely resident of the RVA and living approximately an hour and a half to two hours from the beach, I get access to three out of four awesome venues. The Norva (Norfolk, VA), The National (Richmond, VA) and The Virginia Beach Amphitheater (Virginia Beach, VA). Although the 9-30 club (DC) is fairly far, and someone decent would actually have to play for it to really be worth it. Fuck DC traffic

I spent approximately $64 on two tickets to see Bayside open for Taking Back Sunday. It is neither my first time seeing them.

I went to the Bayside Social Club and saw Taking Back Sunday multiple times between Warped Tours and the New Again tour. It's safe to say I've been a fan of both for quite some time. I was nearly 10 when Tell All Your Friends came out, but coming from a very artistic and musical background, it was only necessary to be a big fan of some of the biggest pioneers in the early "Emo" music phase?...if that makes sense.

Transit (who opened for bayside) were meh. The guitarist on the right voice could be mistaken for ET at multiple accounts.

Bayside, as usual, blew everyone away. It's pretty awesome to see two bands who've been around equally as long as the other just feed the energy off of each other. My expectations were always so high. Anthony was very smiley, and what seemed to be in just equally in a good mood. They played about three songs off of Killing Time and the from previous albums. No one really complained. Everyone seemed to be there for both Bayside and TBS, because let's face, they practically grew up down the street from each other.

I've seen Taking Back Sunday quite a few times. I always seems to blow my mind in how extraordinary Adam gets and how the crowd also feeds off his energy. Each time I've seen them, they continue to get better and better and better. Despite Adam pushing his 30's now. It was a little heart breaking to not to see all the original members or even Matt and Fred (whom of which are personally some of my favorite people). Taking Back Sunday sang a large chuck of Where You Want to Be, all of Tell All Your Friends (and I'm including b-sides) along with maybe three off of the new cd, someone mentioned loud enough that the new album sucked, Adam shrugged and decided to play more stuff off of Louder Now such as Error Operator and MakeDamnSure.


I think if Taking Back Sunday and Bayside are headed your way, seriously, spend the money. Totally worth it, and think about it. These guys fuckin' rule and a 10 year anniversary tour is a big deal, especially to them. They're all very kind, genuine and appreciative. They love to interact with the fans, and are always down to socialize.
November 11th, 2012 at 05:52pm