omg there is a half-vampire baby punching its way out of my stomach


I'm dying.

I legitimately feel like I am dying.

I am cramping so hard right now, it's so bad. Nothing is making it stop and I can't take any more ibuprofen and I just. want. to. curl. up. and. die. I think I can say that this pain goes right into labor pains level - maybe even twilight 'there's-a-half-vampire-baby-punching-its-way-out-of-my-stomach' kind of level.

My dorm hall is having a door decorating contest for winter and I'm really not sure what I should do with my door - so any suggestions that you guys can give me would be aha-some.

Also - I wrote a one-shot that I'm thinking I might take into a full blown story called Kissed and I would love you guys if you would check it out.

So yeah - I'm going to curl up into a spiral of pain and blood and death other wise known as mother nature's gift. Like omg I hate whoever thought it was ironic and witty and decided to call it that.

November 14th, 2012 at 09:08pm