November 14, 2012

Hello my dears!

I hope you all are doing well. I suppose I should have made this sort of general update back at the beginning of November but I didn't so here it is now. I don't think I made it known but I'm participating for the first time in NaNoWriMo! I am on track with my words so far and am making nice progress with my novel :] This is the biggest reason why I haven't been posting anything, so for that you have my sincerest apologies. In all likelihood I probably won't be posting anything until November is over and my word count is met; I'm sorry!

In lighter news, though, I'm over half finished my Hannibal Lecter story so once I'm writing again that will be my first priority. I will also be writing a 10-part Inception story based on Arthur because when can I ever help myself? (Subscribe at the link!) There's also this vague idea for a short original story bouncing around my head mainly because I watched 7 Psychopaths (you should all go see it!) and I fell in love with Sam Rockwell all over again. Oops.

A short dose of non-story related rambling: 2012 has been an absolutely fantastic year for film. If you haven't already I highly suggest going to see TDKR, Looper, Cloud Atlas, and 7 Psychopaths. I'm going to see Skyfall on Sunday and that's been getting fantastic reviews so hopefully it'll be great! Also: ONE MONTH TILL THE HOBBIT HITS THEATRES! WOO!

All of my love,
November 15th, 2012 at 12:22am