Bonus Chapters/Sid's POV

New idea, probably crazy for me to even think of this, but since all my lovelies have asked about a Sid's POV, I thought I would do a couple of bonus chapters and write from his perspective.

The thing is, I've never written from a guy's point of view before. My characters are fictional, but Janelle and Carly both have a little bit of me in them so its so easy to put myself in their shoes and write what I would do.

Sid, well Sid isn't a character I made up, he's a real person with real thoughts. I know I can make him come across as a jerk or jackass but that's how my characters see him. Its hard to try to write what he's thinking especially given that he is a real person. I know that sounds a little silly, but that's how I think and I envy those of you who are so easily able to write from his point of view on a regular basis.

So, in saying that, I'm going to do a few bonus chapters in his Point of View, ensuring that these chapters don't give anything away and just help to fill in any pieces that may be missing.

One should be posted sooner rather than later :P
November 16th, 2012 at 02:02am