Google - A Tool to Eradicate Boredom.

I'm not sure about anyone else but when I'm bored, I literally just Google anything that pops into my head, which is a bit weird, I'll admit. Today, it happened to be 'Yam Yam', which to those of you unfamiliar with Britain/England or even the West Midlands, is the name given to people from the Black Country (coincidentally where I'm from - don't judge me). Bit of history for you: It's called the Black Country because back in the day when we were still industrial (anyone see the Olympics Opening Ceremony? The part with the tall tower things and the fire and sparks and stuff - that's pretty much us back then, I imagine) the black soot from it covered the area (apparently), hence 'Black' Country.

Anyway, I found out a bunch of interesting stuff from Googling the humble phrase 'Yam Yam'. I'm only going by Wikipedia here (come on, grain of truth) but this is what I found: "It is said that J. R. R. Tolkien based the grim region of Mordor on the heavily industrialised Black Country area in his famed novel The Lord of the Rings."

I mean, how awesome is that? Obviously it's not great to be the inspiration for Mordor, the most evil place in Middle Earth (much love for Lord of the Rings) but just the fact that it supposedly (we are still talking about Wikipedia) made that much of an impression on J.R.R. Tolkien is pretty cool.

Good old Google. I'm aware this is a pretty random blog but I wanted to share the awesomeness.
November 16th, 2012 at 07:20pm