World Prematurity Day

As the title says, today is a day that is very close to my heart. Today organisations such as,, www.tommy' and many others come together to raise awareness to this ever developing global problem.

Far too many children are being born premature. Although with advances in modern technology, more and more children are surviving. Up to 75% of neonatal fatalities are and can be preventable. Premature birth kills 1 baby EVERY 30 SECONDS.

If anyone is wondering why this cause is so close to my heart. Three of my children were born premature @27 weeks gestation, @33 weeks gestation and @30 weeks gestation.

I had to sit back watch two of them fight for survival. There was nothing I could do, they had to do it for themselves. As a parent all you want to do is protect your children from all harms in the world and the most I could to was wash their faces,change nappies and hold their hand.
Having to leave the hospital with empty arms and the constant uncertainty that your child won't make it through the night was probably one of the most toughest and emotionally draining experiences anyone could ever face.

The fight doesn't stop once they leave the SCBU. My son Ellis, the most premature. Was on home oxygen for a year. Had constant hospital stays due to repeated chest infections and was diagnosed with Autism shortly after his third birthday.

I shall be forever thankful to the angels in those blue scrubs who saved the lives of my children and because of them they're here with me today.

Please take a moment of your day and visit to raise awareness
November 17th, 2012 at 09:45am