Dress Addiction, The Queens & Ridiculous Parades

eBay dress shopping: I'm addicted. Oh, God. I need an intervention or something.

Due to now being forced to constantly wear dresses, I've taken to always dress shopping. I mean that quite literally. But, because I'm an idiot and all, I didn't realize you could shop for dresses on eBay. Okay, well, I did, but I never thought of it since I became a pageant queen and started wearing dresses all the time.

So, today I was talking to one of the other queens, and happened to compliment her dress, which was absolutely fucking gorgeous: royal blue with a huge taffeta skirt and a corset top with all sorts of sparkle everywhere. And she says, "Thanks, I got it on eBay. You should check it out, they have some awesome dresses."

Then we go sit around and eat food (because once pageant time is over for the three areas and new queens are crowned yada yada yada, we pig out. Seriously.) then do the most fucking ridiculous parade in history. (Which I'll get to here in a minute.)

Then the parade is over and we're all going our separate ways, and I get home and go on the computer, start trying to write stories and shit, just like normal.

eBay ad brings me to eBay. I search "evening gowns" and then "ball gowns", because our director likes pouf. And, I have been at it ever since.

The Queens: Ah, my fellow sister queens. Somehow, we all managed to wear blue dresses today, of all different shades. We didn't plan it. That and we had our pageant jackets (I finally got mine and it has rhinestones. :{3), which are all the same color, our sashes which are all the same minus our titles, and our identical crowns. We did not plan it. I swear.

Ridiculous Parades: Today was the Mother Goose Parade, and it was so. Long. Augh. After waiting in the line-up for an hour after the parade started, we start moving, and it takes us twenty minutes to get to the start of the parade route. Then comes the hour and a half of smiling and waving and talking to little kids.

My arm felt like a noodle and my cheeks hurt.

And then it was over.

And then I came home.

The end.

November 19th, 2012 at 04:04am