1D Co-Write? Anyone?

So I know I shouldn't be doing this, I mean I am working on like a million other stories and I'm cowriting with someone else, but I couldn't resist!
I wanted to make a 1D fanfiction, but I was hoping to co-write it with someone! So there's going to be two characters, mine and whoever I choose, and they will have a story plot with one of the boys. So the guys will be their usual selves here. Here is the plot for mine -

Character - Brianna Sree
Portrayed by - Kaya Scoldelario
1D Guy I Chose: Harry Styles
Traits - Outgoing, funny, smart, flirty, nice

The winner of course will be let in on my plot.
So, PM me what's below if you want to join, and I'll be reading all the entries I can! :)
Good luck!

Portrayed by:
1D Guy You Choose:

Please note you can only use Liam, Louis, Zayn, or Niall. Thank you :)
November 19th, 2012 at 11:51pm