help i have lost my subconscious

i cannot write sober. what is going on. i just cannot reach inside the little corners of my brain and pick out an idea. it's like there is some huge barrier blocking off the path to my creative bubbling fun-house of whacky ponderings that only various stimulants and alcohol can unlock. i should probably find some healthier ways to write.

if anyone has any good ideas on how to stimulate your wonderfully odd subconscious please tell me because i am in somewhat of a pickle and have all this creative juice fermenting in my saggy veins but nowhere for it to implant itself. i have heard that meditation can help stimulate ideas yet i am a little unsure. perhaps i will put on some cool tunez and try unlock that goddamn barrier in my brain for the hundredth time today.
November 22nd, 2012 at 07:18am