I didn't know this existed till now...oops

Well as you can tell from the title of this blog input, i didn't know this part of Mibba existed...even though it was part of the main header bar.
Well, what...exactly am i going write here?
Currently i am doing exams (but you guys don't really want to know about those...do you?), exams suck ass and should not exist.
I have three stories up and running contemplating a fourth
I have massive writers block on two of my stories and i am debating whether or not to take them down. If anyone actually sees this and reads either 'Sister In Arms' or 'The Story of Porcelain Paranoia' then i apologise for future me getting annoyed and angry and taking them down in a fit of writers block.
Its probably because my mind cannot focus on one fandom for long enough. Its very selective and annoying.
Yes i did just speak about my own brain in thrid person. I speak about myself in third person a lot.
That also reminds me my friend will be joining Mibba soon (maybe) YAY she has an awesome idea for a series of stories and i think you guys would enjoy reading them.
I will say when she joins. Don't worry.
November 22nd, 2012 at 03:30pm