I cannot stand comments like this. Just...no.

So today in my sociology class, we talked about a story in 1991 of this guy, who was gay, adopting a son. The boy was 7, and he said he was fine with it. The only difference was that instead of women, his dad liked men. So today we had a discussion about if gay people could adopt and raise children as well as a "normal" family.
These two boys said no. This one boy went on the whole, "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" rant and said it was unnatural. Another guy stood up and said that it would cause the kids to grow up and think that homosexuality is okay and would be fine with seeing others who are homosexual.
I stood up and said that as long as he was cared for, physically and emotionally, how he needed to be then I saw no problem with it. I said that yeah, he might catch shit from friends, but then he can choose new friends and ignore the comments because as long as he loves his parents, it shouldn't matter if they're gay or straight. I said that if anything, being raised by gay parents might make the kids more tolerant to others being different. My teacher cut me off right there.
I believe everyone is entitled to their beliefs, whether I agree with them or not. But here's my problem with these guys:
You are in a public school, where not everyone will believe in God or believe in the same beliefs as you.
I can't even. But is there a problem with someone being tolerant of people who are a different sexuality than you? I'm not gay. No one in my family is. I believe in God. Yet come on. If you believe that someone is made how God wanted them to be, then I would think you'd say that God made that person gay. But don't use religion in an argument like that. Don't use religion in a debate with me about abortion, gays, etc. Just don't. I believe in God, but I also think that being gay, straight, pansexual, asexual, etc, is something you're born as, not choose to be. How can you sit there and basically say that being tolerant of those who are a different sexuality is a bad thing? I can't. Guys, I can't. Pissing me off here. I told my one friend that if the conversation had continued, I would've had to walk out. >.<<br /> Urgh. I can't handle this frustration.

I would've typed this earlier, but I was too busy doing pre-calc homework, and just...urgh. Bye, guys <3
November 27th, 2012 at 01:24am