Stories ...

Just learned you can do blogs on here ... Although I normally do not admit it, I am a blonde. I haven't been using this site much lately due to a series of personal reasons, but I'm happy to say I am going to be on here more often now as I prepare for a couple of little surprises.

First I want to say I will be finishingPins and Needles but it will be a little bit before doing so. I took a pause on it when a whole slew of things started happening in my life and it's hard to write something when there is no motivation or seemingly no one reading it. I don't want anyone thinking I just abandoned the story, I just had to take care of things and I swear that it will be connecting to Philly Ink very soon! If people actually read these things then I suggest catching up on Philly Ink and the beginning of Pins and Needles now before I start posting new chapters come January.

Next I am pleased to be sharing that I have my first original story coming out soon. I am not ready to reveal anything at this point. For now I am confident saying that I will have this story ready for posting come January. Just need to survive these damn holidays!

I want to thank anyone who happens to read this!
A-Beelz :)
November 27th, 2012 at 01:58am