You're a liar.

I'm sorry, but I just really need to vent. What's the difference between me and her? We're the same age, only, she's prettier and you fancy her more. oh, and she also lives far away so i don't get it.

oh wait.
you're a liar.

All that stuff about being confident in yourself and yadda yadda you're beautiful, no.
just no.

i don't even know what i'm going on about. But i do know if i don't get this off my chest, I will explode. I need to let it out somehow.

It won't work?
Alright. Whatever. it won't work.

Guess the only solution is to keep myself busy with school and work and everything else. As if you'd care if I left. Evidently,

you don't give a shit. I know you only pretend to care because I don’t really have anyone else. And I thought our friendship meant something.. nope. Not a damn thing. Nothing at all.

What is this? I don’t understand. I really do not get it.. You gave me this feeling, like somehow, it would all be okay if I just got up enough courage to believe in myself. So I do that. And what happens? You let me fall flat onto my face.

I’m done.
November 28th, 2012 at 02:54am