Story Writers That I Liked Who just Seemed to Have Disappeared From Existence: Please Help Find Them!

If anyone knows a girl named Missy who used to be named EmptySoulSuicide on Quizilla(and if you don't know if she was ASK! I think she had a job at Taco Bell if that helps) please tell her to keep writing on here or Quizilla or Mibba because she was amazing also ask her if she'll send me the rest of her space story she was writing. This also goes for usernames 'youandmeboth'(Apparently her name is Lex or some form of it(aka Lexi, Alex, Alexandria etc.) and she also went by 'abitterkiss' at some point)who wrote 'I'm a Girl... in an ALL BOYS BOARDING SCHOOL?!?' and 'MissFreeStyle' who wrote 'Lust For A Young Girl's Blood' and 'suteishichic' she writes 'Learning To Fall', 'Learning To Land' and 'Learning To Play'(Ask all your friends if they ever had these usernames PLEASE!!!!!!) please, if you know them ask them to send me the rest of their stories because just want them for me and not to re-upload unless they ask. Thanks guys!
November 28th, 2012 at 06:21am