Book Challenge - Days 22&23

Day 22 - Characters I Ship
Umm, I never really bothered shipping characters, excepting where two really obvious characters desperately needed to work out they loved each other about twenty chapters before they actually do...
but I guess, if you need an example, whilst recently reading Jane Austen's 'Emma', I saw immediately that the only sensible pairing was between Emma and Mr Knightley... and, I must say, I was so incredibly frustrated by the time they finally realised it themselves - the end of the book! - that I didn't actually enjoy reading it anyway. =/

Day 23 - A Place In A Book I Want To Travel To
Not much comes to mind for this - many of the books I read are realistic, and are just other cities on Earth, so I guess I'll go with the first thing that really does pop into my mind; the elven city of Ellesmera from Christopher Paolini's Inheritance cycle (the Eragon books). This is because it is the embodiment of everything a human world cannot be; magic, beauty, peace, and mystery.
November 28th, 2012 at 03:59pm