Mibba Blog Challenge Day 26, 27, 28, 29

Day 26 – A book that you miss

I definitely miss reading Vampire Kisses by Ellen Schreiber. I was keeping up with the books for a while but i hated waiting every year for the next one to come out and lost touch with it. I still have the series sitting in my book stand with dust on it. Their calling out to me but i just haven't got around to it yet.


Day 27 – Favorite series

This is hard to answer because thats all i really read is series. But i would probably have to go with house of night series. I have read it at least 3 times and keep focus on the next release date for the next book that comes out. It has so much of what i'm looking for and i haven't read a book in the series yet that i deem worthless or boring.

Day 28 – Series or Stand-alone books?

They both totally have their pro's and con's but i choose series. It's nothing like keep seeing characters develop deeper than they would in just one book. Also with series you can keep adding without seeming like a run-on. The bad thing about series though is when you get hooked and out read the release dates and have that dreading feeling of having to wait for the next one that probably won't be out for a year.

Day 29 – Worst Book that you’ve read

lol well they are very little in this category but the one that takes the cake would be Another Fraust by Daniel & Dina Nayeri This book made me cringe and within five chapters i cursed it out and threw it in a dark section somewhere in my house(and this was my second attempt at reading it after a few months). Not only was it boring and held no interest at all, it seemed to really just be a rip-off of so many books Ive read before. Now i understand that books will have similarity but this was too well cooked for me. Not to mention the first few chapters of the book was dedicated to a background story about each main character. This is what i meant in another post about being 'overly descriptive' it gave too much for something so little. This book will never see daylight with me and i will dropkick it out of anyones hands i see reading it.

November 29th, 2012 at 04:45pm