I am being cockblocked and it is not appreciated

There's this guy and he is a fine specimen of the male gender. He is built like Thor, and he's interesting, and funny, and he roller blades, and appreciates dub step and dirty rap music, and smart, and I really want to hang out with him more because I'm feeling him.

The problem is that I am really good friends with this guy's roommate, and I really like that we're friends, but I'm beginning to think that he has feelings for me.

This is a problem because the man that I want won't come near me out of respect for his friend's feelings for me.

And thus the cockblocking of harper's mangina begins.

All of the people I talk to about it pretty much say "Well you have to say something, I mean you're gonna have to say something eventually."

And I probably will say something, because I'm the type of person that I hate to string people along, so I'm never going to play games and pretend that there's something there when there's not.

But how do you say something like that?

"Hey bro, I know we're great friends and all, but you're riding me a bit too hard. Mind hopping off so your roomie can get up in here?"

November 30th, 2012 at 07:19am