Suicide Letter to the Love of Her Life

Dear Love,

Do you ever feel like it's time to give up but there's always something holding you back? It's like you're tired of sitting here and complaining waiting for someone to come and save you but no one comes. It's like you're screaming in a crowded room and no one dares to look up at you. but something that you can't put your finger on seems to keep you fighting...fighting for what? That's the question that has gone unanswered for so long. Maybe it's acceptance, or possibly just acknowledgement, or maybe it's the hope that keeps you fighting for that one person who puts a genuine smile on your face and seems to break down all the walls you've built around yourself. That person for me, is you. You've kept me holding on for so long, you made me sometimes forget about all my worries, you put that genuine smile on my face, you made me happy. Every time I took a 'break' with you, it wasn't because I was ever doubting us, but I didn't want you to end up with someone like me, I was a wreck...I am a wreck, but every time I was without you I didn't like it. As cliche as it may sound, I truly can't live without you in my life. I fought for you, I fought through the depression that was threatening to overcome me, but sadly...the fight is over and I'm afraid I lost. By the time you read this, I'll be gone, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to go on. But I want to let you know that I didn't do this because of you. You were the one right thing in my life, but every time I went home I was stuck by myself and the amount of depression I had in me was too much to handle. Thank you so much for making me smile when I thought I couldn't and sticking around to wipe my tears away. I love you from the very bottom of my heart.
your girlfriend
your best friend

- Your love
December 1st, 2012 at 12:17am