There Are No Stupid Questions... Cue the Sarcasm

Okay so it seems, I'm not done.
I like opinions, as you can already tell, but what I love more is questions; I question a lot of things, and does that make me stupid... no, no it doesn't. My questions have a purpose. They make sense, my questions ultimately have an over all goal, be that to better my education or my curiosity. People say there are no stupid questions... I beg to differ. You have not felt my frustration until you have sat in my World History class, and had your education interrupted by a person you wonder why are event there, not just that, but why they care. I can respect that they ask the question to better their understanding.... However it doesn't seem to be the case.
I don't mean to be mean, however like I have said before everyone deserves an opinion if there is some true ground behind that, now if that is just how I feel and you think no one else feels that way, then fine you can stop reading, because all of my blogs will somehow follow that baseline, but anyway. There are lines that you must not cross, especially being in the advanced class such as this person was. We were covering Sparta, and this person raised his/her hand and asked the professor... "Did our government, the USA, influence that of Sparta, Greece?" Now had she actually meant did Sparta influence the USA, then I could understand her slight confusion. However the professor asked her if that was what she meant and she said that it didn't make sense. This is when I slammed my forehead on my desk... and I wasn't the only one. However He/She isn't the only one like that in said History class, there are about three others.

Pray that I don't do anything I'll regret by no longer being able to hold onto my patience...

I guess I'm done.... I'm not angry, let's just say I'm frustrated.... at our society today.
December 1st, 2012 at 03:50am