Need help in heatbreak heaven

I have reached my breaking point with you. We have had these on and off feelings, mine were on and yours were off. For recent months you have told me you wanted to be with me, but when ever I said 'I love you', you said 'I know.". That should have been my first clue that you didnt care. Or when you would ignore my texts and calls and then put on facebook 'bored' or 'someone talk to me' well I would try again and no answer. He was always too busy for me, but so bored to the rest of the world.

I was dumb enough to believe him when he said 'I don't want a girlfriend right now, but we'll be together soon.' I got so excited and happy, possibly the happiest I'd been in a while. Then I recieved the most heart wrenching text that read "I gotta gf :)". When i asked him what changed he replied with a simple "shit happens".

I should have seen this coming, but the fact that I didn't makes me look and feel stupid. What's wrong with me? Did he ever really care? If not why lie? And how could you be so heartless?

I'm at a loss for words and i have never felt so empty or broken in my life. I just want to be hapoy, but everytime I get close something else happens. I try and stay positive but I just don't know what to do anymore... Any suggestions?
December 1st, 2012 at 07:05am