
People I've said 'see you in the pit' to in the past two days:
My mum
My dad
My sister
My grandad
Frankie boyle
The bus driver
Father Christmas at his grotto
The man at the curry house after I ordered my curry
A middle aged man who's lighter I borrowed (IT WAS GREEN!) (!!!)
And I even ended up saying it to God as I said my night time prayer last night. I was like, 'Amen. See you in the pit, God.'

That's normal.

The reactions of the bewildered people I said 'see you in the pit' to in the past two days:
My mum - Have you taken your meds?
My dad - What did you just say about me? (He's paranoid. Used to smoke a lot of pot).
My sister - Whatever weirdo.
My grandad - Did you just say you saw me do a shit? (He's deaf. And welsh).
Frankie boyle - (He ignored me) (So I guess I'll see him in the pit)
The bus driver - He laughed (Nervously I might add).
Father Christmas at his grotto - Okay weird squat-obsessed girl, see you there! (Best. Reaction. Ever).
The man at the curry house after I ordered my curry - Thank you come again (Probably the only words in English he knew. So stereotypical).
A middle aged man who's lighter I borrowed - Yes you will. (!!!)
God - He continued not existing.

I just realised I admitted I do a night time prayer.
Well that's MY street cred gone.
December 1st, 2012 at 06:50pm