Almost A New Year (Zombie Apocalypse, Here I Come)

You know, I almost finished the 30 Day Challenge; I completed 27 of the 30 days, but got lazy right before my birthday and didn't finish... and I haven't worked out since. I don't know if any of you have noticed, but I have a major lazy streak, which is a problem in my transformation journey (yes, I just used the phrase 'transformation journey' in a serious way; I don't know what else to call it). I'm not just trying to lose weight or be healthy physically, but mentally as well; I'm trying to become (or show, I guess) the person that I really am, but I can't do that looking and (obviously) acting the way I do.

So, in light of all this, I'm making December 2012 my transformation month. Now obviously not all of the changes I'm making will/can happen in just one month, but the major changes can, and they are the changes that are going to pave the way for the rest of the changes I need and want to make. Add on the fact that I want to hit the 2013 ground running, and I'm more determined than ever (though if you could see me now, you would disagree; I'm chilling at my desk as I type this, wearing my workout clothes, and basically I'm stalling. I said I was determined, but that's a mental thing; it doesn't mean my body's gonna listen when I tell it to get up.).

Yes, I'm making excuses and I'm being lazy, but I will get to my workout as soon as I post this (and clear my floor so stuff isn't in my way), so don't start yelling at me to get moving through your computer screen (not that I would hear it anyways, unless you decided to yell at me through the comments instead -wince-).

Anyways! I'm off to my workout; I'll give details after! Have a good day, my lovely survivors!

(P.S. Yes, I'm a huge zombie nerd, which is proven in all posts like these, and I consider y'all my fellow survivors.)
December 1st, 2012 at 08:48pm