Rant blog numero uno. [Body image and bashing]

This blog is caused by several people I know and/or have heard of and just people's attitudes in general. It is not about you or anyone on Mibba. Just gonna clear that up now.


Everyone is like 'yay, December, woo, Christmas' and I'm just sat glaring at my computer because I get so angry at the attitudes of some people.

Either 'Oh, fat people hate me because of my body' or 'Why would anyone want to date a stick?'

How about no. Stop. Just, stop talking. Don't utter those words.

If you want any self-respect for your body image, you cannot put down somebody elses. I cannot stress that enough. You can't promote the curvy body image by bashing skinny people. That's why I hate the phrase 'real women have curves' because real women are those who identify as a woman. And there's a load of transgender etc debates with that, but that's how I see it.

You can't say that somebody attractive simply because of their body shape, nor can you say something like 'oh the sexiest part of a woman is the gap between the thighs' (something I have actually seen somebody saying).

Personally, I've been both skinny and chubby. There wasn't one or another that magically made me pretty. There is healthy, there is being comfortable in your body and there is self-respect.

You can't put people down while saying you're confident because calling somebody else ugly just proves that you're actually not as confident as you claim to be.

Me? I'm chubby and I know it. There's no gap between my thighs. I have muffin top if I wear skinny jeans. My boobs are too big for regular bras. My legs are ridiculously short. I have shit hair.

And what? If you think you can use my body image to degrade me, think again. Because you can insult my body image all you want, but all it's proving is that even if you are physically prettier than me, your attitude sure isn't.
December 2nd, 2012 at 12:02am