I think my face may be broken.


Well, Mana my darling, my problem is that I can sort of predict the future. See, in my last blog, I predicted I might not make it back alive and may kill myself. Well, I did. Not in the way I thought.

Please, people of Mibba, don't laugh at what I'm about to say.



I fell of a slide and faceplanted onto a sh*t-ton of bark.


Well, I'll explain how it happened, just to amuse you.

Cousins. Cousins, that's what happened. Those evil little b*tches made me do it. They forced me to walk down the slide, because they took my iPod. I had to save my iPod. Now, I was wearing super-grippy Converse sneakers and the slide was metal. Well, my shoes decided to grip while I was leaning forward.

That was a two metre high slide, and I fell from the top and faceplanted. Onto bark. My neck hit the metal, and my nose got stabbed with bark. But it gets better. The area that was stabbed was the part where my glasses sit.


Goodnight/morning, people.

I know you're laughing at my pain.
December 2nd, 2012 at 10:07am