Who's Heard About the Mr.X Situation?!

Okay, so I am going to die.
My cousin, Laura, calls me like 10 minutes ago. I was going to a 1D concert with her. I answer and instead of hearing her beautiful charming voice I heard her panic.
"Have you heard about Mr.X," she asked me.
"No, who is that?"
"He's threatening to kill One Direction TOMORROW!"
I hung up my phone right there and searched him up.
When I was reading what he wrote about the whole "boy with the cage will fall off the stage" it turned out to signify "Harry dying" apparently.
I don't know if this is a rumor - but my heart is racing a million times! I swear, it's unbelievable! Who would do this to them?!
I can't handle this, why would someone try to kill them?!
AGAIN, I said I don't know if this is a rumor, so please forgive me for panicking.
But I really can't believe it.
And Harry tweeted about bad news, Liam tweeted that "This is why we can't go outside" and it's insane! I can't take it!
I'm dying, I swear.
Any minute I expect to fall into darkness and wake up in heaven.
Have you guys heard anything?! Please tell me! Is this a rumor, not a rumor? Is it true, and if it is, what is it about? What is he going to do?!
December 3rd, 2012 at 04:43am