Writing again? All Time Low + Pierce The Veil AND TUMBLR?

Guys! Hello! I haven't made a blog post in a year but here I am. So, what have I been doing? The usual. Nothing. Well, maybe not entirely, but you know. So, there's this band, you might know them, they go by the name All Time Low. I started listening to them again. Again? Yes. I've known who they were since way back in 2007, and listened to them, but like most music I listen to, I kinda of faded out of it. I mean, I was only 11 so you can't really blame me for not being able to hold interest. It's not like I could download all their music and listen to it everyday on the computer or blog about them and read fanfics. I actually had a bit of a life back then and I wasn't exactly allowed to use the computer so I wasn't able to keep listening. Anyway, in July of this year I found them again and I've been hooked. Now, of course, with me being 16, I can hold on to the interest.
So, this band though, they hit me. Struck me right here [points to heart]. I don't know why, I don't know how, but for some reason they did. They turned my life right side up. I wasn't suicidal or self harming (at that moment) but they just made me happy. My life was going nowhere. It wasn't looking up but it wasn't going down hill, just going aimlessly in straight path that seemed to lead nowhere. No motivation, no inspiration, until I heard Weightless. Something clicked. It was like every emotion inside me was turned off and All Time Low turned it on like a light switch. I've been happier, motivated, I've started messing around with my guitar. I have dreams, hopes, I'm not stuck in a slump wondering what I'm going to do with my life.
Now, don't call me a bad fan because I started listening to them in July, or because I stopped listening to them then started again. Because I love and appreciate them just as much as the next guy.
And as for Pierce The Veil? Well, firstly I'd like to turn off professional mode and TONY PERRY IS THE CUTEST FUCKING THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD AND I CAN'T EVEN WITH HOW ADORABLE HE IS AND UGH. [Clears throat] Anyway. Pierce The Veil had the same affect on me as ATL. Vic's voice is amazing and just lifts me up into the clouds until I am at my happiest.
Oh, and I may have been sucked into the world of Tumblr. Feeling, sobbing, weeping, crying, screaming, flailing, laughing, turning into a potato, repeating. Fandoms. So many fandoms. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a fandom for fandoms.
Writing. Writing. Reading. Crying. Recently I've started to read fanfics again and I've got to say YOU FUCKING BASTARDS HOW DARE YOU WRITE SUCH A THING OH MY GOD DO YOU NOT REALIZE HOW PAINFUL AND UGH. I have never been so emotionally affected by a fanfic in my life. Well, actually there was this one time, someone made The Miz die at the end and I was really hurt by it. Like, okay feels you can stop now. But seriously, guys you write the most feel-hurting things, and its amazing. I honestly don't know how most of you are not best selling authors like okay. But no, seriously, you guys are so talented and creative, like how do you even do that.
I've been trying to write, reading all these fics are making me want to write my own. But I wrote a paragraph and quit. I don't have the ability to form good sentences. But, I probably will finish it, and post it. So spoiler alert; it involves a bunch of bands, relationships, hilarity, sex, drinking, sex, drama, sex.
So, if you want to read it HOLLA. No, just message me and I'll finish it. I never write because I have no motivation, give me some?
So that's all I suppose. Goodbye assbutts.
December 3rd, 2012 at 08:05am