Almost A New Year, Days 2 & 3: Sore And Euphoric

Okay, so I didn't workout yesterday. Why? I was too sore from Saturday's workout! Those squats are killer, so I took a day off, and I'm most likely taking next Sunday off as well since I'm going to Six Flags with some friends! (I apologize; that exclamation point was entirely unnecessary, but I have plans with friends other than Bryce and/or Miriam, so I'm excited... can you tell I don't get out much?)

Anyways, that's pretty much it for yesterday, I just sat at home relaxing all day, so nothing else to talk about there.

Today I'm euphoric because... well, my workout was awesome, so I have endorphins rushing through me, I was supposed to be at work at 6 am but didn't have to go in until 10:30, and... well, those are the only two reasons actually. Bryce and I might hang out (I Am So Screwed blog #5 warning, it'll be up shortly after this one), which is making me giddy yet anxious; giddy because I wanna hang out with him, but anxious because we might not even hang out.

Well, onto workout details:
3 sets, 50 seconds on 10 seconds rest
1. Knee Raises (25, 17, 16)
2. Reverse Push Ups (13, 10, 12)
3. Bicycles (64, 40, 50)
4. Wall Push Ups (20, 18, 16)
5. Mountain Climbers (72, 52, 46)

So, by the end of this routine, my arms were barely working (they're fine now, but I think I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. Again. Hell, I'm still sore from Saturday's deadly Sumo Squats.), which is amazing because my upper body strength sucks.

Well, as always, if you have/any questions, comments, concerns, or advice, let me know. Keep surviving, sweethearts!
December 4th, 2012 at 03:43am