Can I Be Any More Obsessive? (I am so screwed blog #5)

Yes, it's official (well, even more official... if that's even possible). I am TOTALLY obsessing over Bryce. Damn it, why am I so neurotic?

Anyways, he's pretty much all I can think about lately, I get this goofy smile just texting him, he makes my breathing uneven and my heart race... Does this sound cliche enough for you to understand where I'm going? I hope so, because I can't say it. I've known the guy for a month and a half, I am SO not saying the L-word, no chance, no way, no how, not fucking happening.

(I would like to point out that I just got a text from Bryce, confirming that we are hanging out. My heart skipped a beat, then sped up, and now I'm freaking. Damn, I need to chill.)

Well, I'm gonna shower and head over there. Good night all, may you be in good company! ;)
December 4th, 2012 at 03:57am